As we continue to integrate our office in Escazú, San José,
Costa Rica, Max and I just conducted a phone ‘interview’ with Pilar Plá in
order to understand how things are done there from the supply chain perspective
(basically all activities dealing with the Destination Consultants and their
assignees/transferees). Pilar provided us with
details concerning the DC recruitment process, required documentation, the role
of the DCs from the beginning to the end of a program, the welcome packet
strategy, performance tracking measures, payment of the DCs and challenges.
I recently worked with Brittany and then Pilar in
order to translate an email that will be sent to each DC in Spanish-speaking
countries from now on, informing them of their new email account set up through
Dwellworks. These accounts are in order
to ensure and convey the DCs professional affiliation with Dwellworks in all
communication with their transferees.
The reason this is being implemented is because DCs in the past would
email their transferee from their personal email, which on some occasions would
be strange, inappropriate, or even cause their messages to be automatically
classified as junk/spam mail. Their new
accounts will be @myDwellworks so that there is a distinction between DCs and
Dwellworks employees (who have @dwellworks accounts).
While that is going on, I will begin running background checks on each of the DCs in Costa Rica.
The Costa Rica office has never run background checks on their DCs (they
would just call references provided by the DC) so this is an important step to
ensure not only safety of the transferees and Dwellworks but also to create a
standard procedure of DC recruitment worldwide.
Soon, I will run a test-background check on Pilar
(she said she’s okay with being the guinea pig J)
and then begin to run checks on each of our Costa Rican DCs.
¡Pura vida!
Global Supply Chain
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