Monday, August 11, 2014

Recommendation of Internship

Why would you recommend this internship to fellow classmates?

The truth is, I wouldn't. But before my meaning gets construed, allow me to elaborate.

I would not recommend this internship because it is perhaps the single greatest internship anyone could ever have.

To spend the summer among people who truly care about each other, who make going to work every day fun, who value your contribution to the organization no matter how low on the totem pole you are...  to do that could be extremely detrimental.

As the poet Iain Thomas so simply wrote, "You are a drop of perfect in an imperfect world. And all I need, is a taste." By no means is Dwellworks - or any organization in the history of ever - perfect. But it is, in my opinion, among the best places to work. "And all I need, is a taste." It's like tasting the absolute best [insert food or beverage item here] and then never again being able to replicate said item. It has the potential to leave an emptiness and a longing to experience what you once had, to work for the company you once knew.

The moral of all of this? Do not intern for Dwellworks unless you are fully prepared to experience the best working summer of your life and face the possibility of never having such an experience in the rest of your career.

Albeit, there is always the very real possibility of being hired full-time or of staying on board a bit longer. After all, it's Monday of the 13th week, and I'm still here, aren't I?

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