Thursday, July 31, 2014


Integrity + Teamwork + Performance + Innovation + Fun

The above words comprise Dwellworks' core values. Yes, they might be written on a giant wall in the office, and yes, they might be talked about once or twice (or more). But Dwellworks' associates don't just plaster those five words on a wall superficially; rather, Dwellworks culture lives its values. 

This includes the often underrated value of fun.

To explain how I have had fun during this internship, we must first look at the definition of fun (which is conveniently spelled out on the wall right behind me).

Fun (adj.) 1. providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment <a fun party> <a fun person to be with> 2. full of fun: pleasant <have a fun time>

Based on the above definition, coupled with my experience at Dwellworks, I've come to one very simple conclusion:

Fun isn't just the big events; it's all the little things in-between. 

It's staying 20 minutes late after a meeting to engage in light-hearted conversation.
It's trying Thai and Vietnamese restaurants for the first time with colleagues. 
It's laughing with a coworker about something trivial.
It's indulging in 3-pm hot chocolate or watermelon.
It's talking about your upcoming weekend.
It's happiness that comes easily.
It's smiling because it's natural.


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