Friday, June 6, 2014

Adjusting to work life

I would have to say that the biggest adjustment from college to work life is the schedule. In college, on average, you have 2-3 classes a day and how the rest of the time in the day is spent is up to you to decide. I had free time to work-out, study, do homework, work part time, and socialize throughout the day. Work-life I feel is more like high school. You are told the time to come in, you have lunch with your friends, then back to work until it is time to leave. I kind of like that is a regular schedule, instead of all jumbled. Also not having to worry about doing homework or having all these assignments that are due is nice. There are project deadlines but it seems a lot less stressful than the college environment. Additionally having the evenings and weekends off has been nice. It has been a while since I haven’t had to work nights or weekends. It is an adjustment, but one I am happy to make.

-Valarie Reinig, HR

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