Thursday, June 19, 2014

I've got the MAGIC in me

Magic is customer service training that numerous company’s use around the nation to teach the proper communication skills needed for an everyday job. Magic has five key parts to the building a well connected conversation:

M ake a connection: Build the relationship

A ct professionally: Express confidence

G et to the heart of the Matter: Listen and ask questions

I nform and clarify what you will do

C lose with the relationship in mind

As I walk around the office and I can see the influence MAGIC training has had on the company in whole. People have the green sheets of paper on their cubical walls with the 33 skills learned from MAGIC. The conversations on the phones are energetic and all around happy. You are able to tell that the people on the other side of the phone are really enjoying the conversation.  You are able to use these new found skills not only with the clients but with your fellow colleagues as well.  We can apply what we learned in over the phone conversations, along with face-to-face conversations.

            A part of MAGIC that I greatly took away is the three elements of a message in face-to-face communication. We were asked, “Where does the real message come from?” The three elements are words, tone, and visual. I thought that tone would sweep the categories because tone can express how you feel; however, I was wrong and visual won. When in a face-to-face communication you have to look how you are feeling. Even if you have a smile on and a perky tone, we can still see how you are feeling.

I believe Dwellworks offers this training to not only better our interactions with clients but to better our everyday communications. Dwellworks is a service based company and this training, in my opinion, gives us a step up. We pride ourselves on our client relationships and those relationships are why our clients keep coming back to Dwellworks. Thanks to MAGIC we are all now able to make a tragic conversation into a magical conversation.
Colton Ebersole
Destination Services Intern

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