Friday, June 27, 2014

Work Life vs Uni Life.

 Instead of looking at the differences between Work Life and Uni Life I'm going to take a look at some similarities between Dwellworks life and University life!

Working at Dwellworks is an amazing experience, up until my time with Dwellworks, I thought I would be doomed to be a student for the rest of my life. I thought i would be a student forever because it's something i love, and after my past work experiences I never thought there would be anything else that I would actually enjoy doing. Dwellworks has opened my eyes to the fact that not every business is a job, some businesses are actually fun and interesting and are something that people could enjoy day in and day out.

  • Welcoming, Comfortable, Friendly
    -This is an aspect of Dwellworks life. Everyday walking into the workplace you are greeted and appreciated for what you bring to the team. Everyday is fun and interesting.
    -Uni life is the same! when you get onto campus, there's the comfortable and homey feeling! Everyday is fun and interesting.
  • Learning, Growing, Bettering
    -this is an aspect of Dwellworks life because each day is a learning experience. I'm constantly getting better at the jobs I do, and while doing them, i'm learning new ways to present myself and am always bettering myself to do a better job in the future.
    -This aspect of University is evident every class! Each class I am overwhelmed with information and mind-bending thoughts that allow me to learn new things, grow and flourish as a person, and better myself so that I can do great things in the future.
  • Diversity
    -Within the job that I do here at Dwellworks, being an Intern and being part of the DS team, each day I get to experience diversity. Meeting and interacting with people from all around the world and all different aspects while learn about the various cultures around the world! Dwellworks is providing me with all these experiences I can't wait to utilize when I travel the world.
    -Being in a Philosophy and Religion program while minoring in Psychology, each day I get to experience diversity. All throughout Campus I'm constantly interacting with people from different Continents, religions and completely different up-bringing than myself. These amazing people I meet and interact with everyday are showing me all the diversity this magnificent world has to offer and because of this University is helping me gain these experiences that I can't wait to utilize when I travel the world.
  • Fun.
    -one of the core aspects of Dwellworks is Fun. Dwellworks is certainly the most fun place to be employed that I've ever been a part of! Having Fun as a core aspect to the company really leads to the overall successes of the company. Happy employees have 85% better work output and product!
    -What's more fun than being in a place where everyone has the same goals, where there's so much diversity and where everyone is happy to get to know everyone else!? University for me is not only a fantastic place to learn, but it's also where I socialize and have fun with friends and make so many new acquaintances every day!

Work Life at Dwellworks, although different in some ways, still has all the great things people love about University. This is why Dwellworks has helped me realize that maybe I wont be a student for the rest of my life because there are employment opportunities, such as this one, that are a blast to have!

Shane Mitchell
Destination Services Intern
Ottawa, Canada

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