Monday, June 30, 2014

Simple Advice For A Young Professional

1) Be Sincere. This is probably the most important thing out of anything I could say. In any customer service industry, if you have the sincerity of truly caring about the customers needs and wants, everything else over time will take care of itself. It's as simple as that.

2) Smile. Something so simple as a smile can help create positive thinking for both the person smiling and who they're smiling at. It automatically creates a rapport and gets things off on the right foot. If you don't have any direct contact with the customers, smiling in the office creates a pleasant atmosphere and may help boost productivity.

3) Balance. Be a hard worker, but take a break once in a while. Let your mind catch up, release a little stress. When there's a lot of stress and the pressure is on, just that little bit of stress release can make all the difference. Working hard will also give a satisfaction of accomplishment and bettering yourself.

4) Be Humble. You're hard work will get noticed by the people with who it matters . Boasting about your accomplishments always seems to have a negative effect in the long run, whether it's professional, psychological, or social. If you do have to make people notice, show them what you can do, don't say it.

5) Treat Everyone The Same. No matter who they are, what position, how much they make, their experience, whatever. Being treated the same builds a great work environment, builds unity, boosts morale, and just feels good.

There's nothing groundbreaking here, and I think Dwellworks does all these things. I think if you take these values wherever you'd go, it'll help you not only be a better employee, but ultimately have a better life.

-Frank Hudson

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