Friday, June 20, 2014

Workin' for the Weekends

When one, formerly operating on a lazy college student schedule, adopts a structured 9-5 professional schedule the weekends become that much more valuable.  Sure, don't get me wrong, a weekend in East Lansing is valuable, but I slept until 11 most days and spent a handful of week nights fraternizing with my peers. Suffice to say, this new schedule has been a shock to my system.

Now I wont kid anyone, and pretend that I am in bed by ten each night, however things have definitely changed. I get to sleep earlier, get up earlier and am, all around, a more of a functioning member of society. A part of me misses the no rules, blurry lined schedule of college life, but the other half enjoys the structure that this job provides. I eat three meals every day, I get at least seven hours of sleep each night, I am more considerate of general hygiene and have even committed to running and going to the gym. I've gotta say, it feels pretty good to be organized. I feel like I am more on top of my game and I can tell that this correlates to my favorable performance in the office. Having said that, though, the free spirited half of myself waters at the mouth as the weekend approaches. Weekends are really a beautiful thing and whoever developed the idea of a five day work week knew what he or she was doing, from an efficiency stand point. These next two days of rest (or maybe not) give us the chance to shake out any frustrations, anxieties and general tension that can build up throughout the work week, leaving us fresh and ready to start over every Monday. So, to whoever reads this, work hard now because Friday is only like 5 days away probably. Or 7 if you're reading this on a Friday, but in that case, it's all gravy anyways. In conclusion, I find that I quite like the structure that this internship provides and, even more so, love the weekend.

- Ben Hardin, Detroit.

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