Friday, June 13, 2014

My Home for the Next 8 Weeks

I spend about 35 hours a week, give or take, in my cubicle at my desk. When I arrive to work each morning, I go straight to my desk to drop my bag off and get situated for the day. I usually take out my intern binder and my planner so that I am organized and get my tasks done for the day that I need to complete. I have my necessary cup of coffee in the morning and a water bottle to stay hydrated. The dual monitors are very helpful for my daily tasks of emailing and contacting the appraisers for inspection statuses and report statuses. It is very effective to have both monitors so I can have my email pulled up on one screen and then the Plus website pulled up on the other monitor, instead of having to minimize both programs on just one screen. I use my ShoreTel phone everyday as well, calling appraisers for updates and even calling other employees in the office for help or guidance. I have multiple cabinets and folder holders, but I do not have files to store, just mostly post-its and notes full of information. My chair is comfortable, but I do plan on investing in an exercise ball so that I can work on my posture while sitting at my desk. I enjoy sitting at my cubicle everyday, especially since my coworkers are near me if I have any questions or need help with something.

Currently, Valuation Services and Property Management are in the process of moving to the upstairs office so I will be leaving the cubicle that I am at on Monday. I hope I get as good of a location upstairs as I have downstairs!

Cat St. John
Valuation Services Intern, Cleveland

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